Our "Teachers Help Yourselves" cart grows daily. It includes titles we have discarded from the library through the "weeding" process. The problem is that though the number of books keeps increasing, the cart doesn't grow with it. After several concerted efforts to get books in the hands of teachers -- and giving away a fair number -- we still had quite a few items that weren't going to good use. It was time to start fresh; to clean off the cart of those books that weren't going to be getting a good home around SCS, and make room for new giveaway titles still to come.
Enter our posse of helpers! Fifth graders Lizzie, Ashley R., Kayla, and Anna arrived today at recess time ready to volunteer to do some work. In a short amount of time, they had boxed up the entire cart to be donated to another ministry or non-profit organization that can make use of them.
We can't really say enough about our helpers. Third graders Daniella, Katherine, Mikayla, Christiana, Hannah, Danielle, Amy, Steven, Michael, Tabby, Emma, Noel, and Noelle, as well as fourth graders Cory, Julianna, and Juliet, other fifth graders Kristina, Julianna, Ashley B., Lauren, and Emily, and high school students Noelle, and Kristy have all worked hard to serve in the library at various times during the past few months shelving and stamping books, dusting and doing other things to cheerfully help where needed. We appreciate all our enthusiastic volunteers.