Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spring News

Long time, no posts, but plenty of fun happening in the SCS Library Media Center. What's new? Well...

...May was "Get Caught Reading Month" and Children's Book Week. Mrs. Nunez and I (Miss Gleason) got matching "Wild About Reading" t-shirts and wore them twice during May as part of our celebration. The first time we wore them to stir up enthusiasm for our Children's Book Week festivities. K-2nd graders received special bookmarks and 3rd through 6th graders were given the option to enter a puzzle contest where they had to complete a library word search and an author crossword puzzle. The crossword required students to use the SuffolkWeb or Amazon to find author last names to match the book titles that were given. There were about 15 winners who were announced over the PA system in morning announcements, and received credit for a trivia question win and earned a candy prize as well.

The second time we wore our t-shirts to tip students off about our "Get Caught Reading" contest week. I went to elementary classes unannounced at various times during the week to "catch" students doing reading for fun. All those caught were awarded with Silly Bandz. Quite a few readers were caught and given little animal and holiday shaped rubber bands to wear on their wrists. Even a few teachers and secondary students got caught reading, and received bandz for their effort.

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